What is CAS?

CAS stands for Creativity, Action, Service, and is a key component of the IB Diploma Program. A CAS project is an activity that involves collaboration and the integration of at least two or more of creativity, action and service and is of significant duration. This is an excellent opportunity for students to engage with issues of global importance. 

CAS Advisors

CAS Advisors are critically important to the success of the Inglemoor IB Program and its diploma candidates. There are generally 100+ IB diploma candidates, each working on multiple CAS projects in all stages of completion, and all requiring regular oversight. Rather than overwhelm our IHS advisors, parents have taken on the role of monitoring and advising students on their projects. Parents also offer diverse perspectives and provide valuable “real-world” feedback to our students. 

CAS Advisors assist IB Diploma Candidates by:

  • Helping students to identify personal and social goals.
  • Monitoring the range and balance of activities undertaken by individual students.
  • Developing student's power of reflection through group discussion and individual consultation.
  • Supporting students in their consideration of ethical concerns.
  • Reading/responding to diaries/journals.
  • Helping students to make connections and to look for generalizable understandings.

Note that students do not normally know their CAS advisor by name. All CAS advisors are identified to students by an anonymous identifier, like "CAS advisor1."

How does it work?

CAS advisors are assigned a small number (usually 8 to 10) of students to advise. Students enter their CAS activities in Managebac, a web-based tool for managing the IB program. Each time that the student makes an entry that requires an advisor’s review, an email is automatically sent to the advisor's email account. Advisors simply click on the link in their email to log onto Managebac, where they can approve the student's changes or add notes to suggest changes.

CAS advisors review and approve the student's input to Managebac at three different stages of each CAS activity:

  • When the student first enters a proposal for a new activity
  • After the student has completed the CAS activity, and entered a reflection into the system.
  • When the student enters evidence (for example, digital photographs) into the system.

CAS advisors also keep track of their student's overall progress and alert the IB coordinators if a student is falling significantly behind.

How time-consuming is being a CAS advisor?

It generally takes less than an hour a week, working from your home computer.

Is there any training involved?

Yes, the IB Coordinators typically run several short training sessions over the course of the school year. The CAS Coordinator also maintains a very useful FAQ document that CAS Advisors can refer to as needed. 

How can I get more information or volunteer to be a CAS Advisor?

To learn more about being a CAS Advisor or to volunteer, e-mail [].

Sample CAS Projects


  • Music
    • Solo & Ensemble - Northlake Regional
    • Marching Band
    • Wind Ensemble
    • Piano
    • Guitar
  • Cooking
  • Unique
    • Making a Kimono
    • Railroad Model
    • Ceramics


  • Sports
    • Cross Country Running
    • Soccer
    • Track & Field
    • NYBA
    • Snowboarding
    • Tennis
    • Swimming
  • Unique
    • US Naval Sea Cadets
    • Outdoors For All


  • Tutoring - school, language, music, etc.
  • Teen Programs
    • Evergreen Hospital
    • Earth Corp
    • BAM - Art Museum
    • Seattle Aquarium
    • Animal Shelter
    • YMCA
  • International
    • Mission Trek Mexico
    • Ten Thousand Villages
  • Unique - District Court

CAS Advisor Resources

CAS Advisors use the Managebac online tool to review students' project proposals and reflections. The documents below contain information to aid CAS Advisors with IB program protocols and learning or troubleshootingin Managebac.

CAS_Protocol.pdf CAS_Protocol.pdf
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CAS_Guide_2012.pdf CAS_Guide_2012.pdf
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Type : pdf
CAS_Overview_2014.pdf CAS_Overview_2014.pdf
Size : 88.727 Kb
Type : pdf
CAS Advisors FAQ.pdf CAS Advisors FAQ.pdf
Size : 45.529 Kb
Type : pdf
Welcome_to_Managebac-2014.pdf Welcome_to_Managebac-2014.pdf
Size : 36.013 Kb
Type : pdf
ManageBac__CAS.pdf ManageBac__CAS.pdf
Size : 582.59 Kb
Type : pdf