IB Program News

September 2019 Update:

The IBO announced this summer the elimination of the registration fee. This means that families will be responsible for the exam fees only and not the registration fee.  This is good news for ALL of our students but this is especially good news for Non-Diploma students who up until now had to pay a registration fee each year they registered for an examination session as opposed to the diploma candidates who paid a registration fee once. 

Additionally, Washington State public universities and colleges have been publishing their recognition polices with regard to awarding placement and credit to students that received passing scores on their HL and many of their SL exams. For example, the University of Washington will award credit of a passing score of a “4” and above in HL Language and Literature. For more information see https://admit.washington.edu/apply/freshman/exams-for-credit/ib/.

The IB Coordinators are in the process of compiling a document that lists all IB recognition policies for post-secondary schools in Washington state. We’ll share that document with you when they do. 

June 2019 Update:

  • New classes for 2019-2020: IB Economics and IB English B (IB English for English Language Learners)
  • The Washington State Legislature passed ESB 5410, which requires state universities to establish a system-wide credit policy for IB exams. This hopefully will result in more IB students receiving college credit for IB coursework, but is still a work in progress.
  • Theory of Knowledge (TOK) structure for 2019-2020:
    • Beginning with the class of 2021
    • Past structure: 3 semesters, 2X per week, 0 or 7th period
    • NEW structure: 
      • Required meetings junior year to introduce TOK, CAS and the EE (number and time TBD).
      • Year-long class senior year that meets alternating days.
      • Note: The IB requires that we teach TOK over the course of 2 years

For class-specific updates and summer 2019 expectations, click here to access the slide presentation prepared by the IB Advisors for the Spring 2019 General Membership Meeting.

For IB Program Summer 2019 letters for Juniors and Seniors, use the buttons below (external links).